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3. Can-Li Song, Yi-Lin Wang, Peng Cheng, Ye-Ping Jiang, Wei Li, Tong Zhang, Zhi Li, Ke He, Lili Wang, Jin-Feng Jia, Hsiang-Hsuan Hung, Congjun Wu, Xucun Ma, Xi Chen, and Qi-Kun Xue, “Direct observation of nodes and twofold symmetry in FeSe superconductor”, Science 332, 1410 (2011)
4. Y. Zhang, C. Z. Chang, K. He, L. L. Wang, X. Chen, J. F. Jia, X. C. Ma, and Q. K. Xue, “Doping effects of Sb and Pb in epitaxial topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin films: An in situ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 194102 (2010)
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6. P. Cheng, C. L. Song, T. Zhang, Y. Y. Zhang, Y. L. Wang, J. F. Jia, J. Wang, Y. Y. Wang, B. F. Zhu, X. Chen, X. C. Ma, K. He, L. L. Wang, X. Dai, Z. Fang, X. C. Xie, X. L. Qi, C. X. Liu, S. C. Zhang, and Q. K. Xue, “Landau quantization of topological surface states in Bi2Se3”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 076801 (2010)
7. Y. Zhang, K. He, C. Z. Chang, C. L. Song, L. L. Wang, X. Chen, J. F. Jia, Z. Fang, X. Dai, W. Y. Shan, S. Q. Shen, Q. Niu, X. L. Qi, S. C. Zhang, X. C. Ma, and Q. K. Xue, “Crossover of the three-dimensional topological insulator Bi2Se3 to the two-dimensional limit”, Nat. Phys. 6, 584 (2010)
8. Z. L. Guan, Y. X. Ning, C. L. Song, J. Wang, J. F. Jia, X. Chen, Q. K. Xue, and X. C. Ma,“Sample-size dependence of the superconducting transition of ribbon-shaped Pb nanocrystals studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy”, Phys. Rev. B 81, 054516 (2010)
9. T. Zhang, P. Cheng, W. J. Li, Y. J. Sun, G. Wang, X.G. Zhu, K. He, L. L. Wang, X. C. Ma, X. Chen, Y. Y. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Q. Lin, J. F. Jia, and Q. K. Xue, “Superconductivity in one-atomic-layer metal films grown on Si(111)”, Nat. Phys. 6, 104 (2010)
10. C. L. Song, Y. L. Wang, Y. X. Ning, J. F. Jia, X. Chen, B. Sun, P. Zhang, Q. K. Xue, and X. C. Ma, “Tailoring phthalocyanine metalation reaction by quantum size effect”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 1456 (2010)
11. S. H. Ji, T. Zhang, Y. S. Fu, X.Chen, J. F. Jia, Q. K.Xue, and X. C. Ma, “Application of magnetic atom induced bound states in superconducting gap for chemical identification of single magnetic atoms”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 073113 (2010)
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13. Y. S. Fu, T. Zhang, S. H. Ji, X. Chen, X. C. Ma, J. F. Jia, and Q. K. Xue, “Identifying charge states of molecules with spin-ip spectroscopy”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 257202 (2009)
14. R. Wu, Y. Zhang, F. Pan, L. L. Wang, X. C. Ma, J. F. Jia, and Q. K. Xue, “Self-assembled Pb nanostructures on Si(111) surfaces: from nanowires to nanorings”, Adv. Mater. 21, 4609 (2009)
15. L. Tang, Z. L. Guan, D. Hao, J. F. Jia, X. C. Ma, and Q. K. Xue, “Gold adsorption induced surface alloying on Si(111)-√3×√3-Pb surface”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 193102 (2009)
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18. L. L.Wang, X. C. Ma, Y. X. Ning, S. H. Ji, Y. S. Fu, J. F. Jia, K. F. Kelly, and Q. K. Xue, “Atomic scale study of strain relaxation in Sn islands on Sn-induced Si(111)-(2√3 ×2√3) surface”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 153111 (2009)
19. L. Tang, Z. L. Guan, D. Hao, X. C. Ma, J. F. Jia, and Q. K. Xue, “Ordered Au/Pb nanoring arrays on Pb-induced Si(111)-1×1 surface”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 063112 (2009)
20. Y. X. Ning, C. L. Song, Z. L. Guan, X. C. Ma, X. Chen, J. F. Jia, and Q. K. Xue, “Observation of surface superconductivity and direct vortex imaging of a Pb thin island with a scanning tunneling microscope”, Europhys. Lett. 85, 27004 (2009)
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22. P. Jiang, X. C. Ma, Y. X. Ning, C. L. Song, X. Chen, J. F. Jia, and Q. K. Xue, “Quantum size effect directed selective self-assembling of cobalt phthalocyanine on Pb(111) thin films”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 7790 (2008)
23. S. H. Ji, T. Zhang, Y. S. Fu, X. Chen, X. C. Ma, J. Li, W. H. Duan, J. F. Jia, and Q. K. Xue, “High-resolution scanning tunneling spectroscopy of magnetic impurity induced bound states in the superconducting gap of Pb thin films”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 226801 (2008)
24. L. L. Wang, X. C. Ma, S. H. Ji, Y. S. Fu, Q. T. Shen, J. F. Jia, K. F. Kelly, and Q. K. Xue, “Epitaxial growth and quantum well states study of Sn thin fillms on Sn induced Si(111)-2√3× 2√3 R30º surface”, Phys. Rev. B 77, 205410 (2008)
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27. Y. F. Zhang, Z. Tang, T. Z. Han, X. C. Ma, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, K. Xun, and S. C. Wu, “Oscillatory thermal expansion of Pb thin films modulated by quantum size effects”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 093120 (2007)
28. Y. Qi, X. C. Ma, P. Jiang, S. H. Ji, Y. S. Fu, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, and S. B. Zhang, “Atomic-layer-resolved local work functions of Pb thin films and their dependence on quantum well states”, Appl. Phy. Lett. 90, 013109 (2007)